The key nature of the motorcycle lift in the workshop

Written by Francesco Di Betta | June 22, 2023

When you think of a motorbike workshop, generally the first image which comes to mind is the motorcycle lift.

This is because, in most cases, the lifting platform is the focal point of the workshop’s operations and efficiency.

In today's article, we will be taking a look at how you can ensure you have a high-performance lift to guarantee the best performance and results.

Keep reading to find out more!

Why is the motorcycle lift so important?

In a workshop, the motorcycle lift is an essential component with central importance.

It is, indeed, this tool that facilitates maintenance and repair operations of two-wheeled vehicles.

The motorbike lift represents a safe support for the bike, provides facilitated access to all its components, and allows the mechanics to carry out their work in an effective and efficient manner.

Before going into details of the characteristics which make a motorcycle lift table so essential in the workshop, it is important to take into consideration the step preceding the purchase of this tool: the design and layout of the space.

It is thus important not to underestimate the importance of the zone where the lift will be installed, on the basis of the internal dynamics between the mechanics and the workflows.

How could positioning the motorcycle lift in a specific position improve the quality of the work?

What impact would it have on the work of the individual mechanics?

Is it a good idea to analyse the creation of workstations with shared lifts? Or workstations with multiple lifts per mechanic?


The response to all these questions can be found in the concrete requirements of the day-to-day work.

The lift must indeed be seen as a strategic tool to facilitate the mechanics’ work and make it simpler and more streamlined.

If you want to see a real-life example of a project which began with an in-depth design phase, watch the video interview with Simone Agazzi from RS Moto, the Honda dealer for the Italian city of Bergamo and surrounding area:


Want to know more? Download the free case history!


What makes the motorcycle lift so important

As well as covering a decisive role thanks to the chosen position in the workshop, the motorcycle lift is key because of other aspects:

  • Safety
  • Facilitating the work
  • Adaptability


One of the main benefits offered by the motorcycle lift is the safety and stability that it offers during maintenance operations.

Lifts are designed to support the weight of the bike and ensure that it remains securely positioned during repair work: this allows the mechanics to work under optimum conditions without the risk of accidents or damage to the vehicles.

Facilitating the work

The motorcycle lift facilitates access to all parts of the vehicle.

By raising the bike to a convenient height, mechanics can work from a standing position, avoiding physical strain and incorrect posture. This simplifies the maintenance operations, such as inspecting the frame, changing spark plugs, accessing the engine and replacing mechanical components.

This accessibility allows the mechanics to carry out their work quickly and efficiently, significantly simplifying the operations.

What's more, by equipping the lifts with specific accessories (link to strategic accessories article), you can exploit this characteristic even more, further simplifying specific jobs.


Vehicle lifts are available in different versions and models to adapt to different types of bike and to best meet the needs of the mechanics.

This versatility allows the mechanics to work on an enormous range of vehicles without having to invest in specific tools for each model.

Discover KIRO's wide range of vehicle lifts, and if you think you need support in choosing, contact our experts for a free, no-obligation consultancy session.