Vehicle lift for home or professional use: the differences

Written by Francesco Di Betta | August 24, 2022

A vehicle lift is the linchpin of efficient working: having a robust, safe and cutting-edge tool to work on motorbikes with is key to ensuring precise, high-quality work, whether in a professional shop or private garage.

In this article, we will take a look at the key characteristics of a high-performance lift, and which to focus on for private or professional use.

Vehicle Lift: the Fundamentals

A vehicle lift is an extremely useful tool, both for professional and hobbyist use.

Its main function is to lift the vehicle off the ground in order to allow repairs, servicing, or other more precise and finicky types of work to be performed.

The key characteristics for determining the quality of a lift should include the following aspects:

  • Type of controls
  • Safety system 
  • Presence (or absence) of hatches
  • Ramp characteristics
  • Height
  • Robustness

Let’s take a closer look at these.

Type of Controls

How a motorbike lift operates is the first key characteristic to take into consideration when choosing one.

There are two main types of lifting systems available:

  • Electrohydraulic control unit
  • Pedal pump

Of the two, the first is more convenient and functional because it requires less physical effort from the user

Safety System 

There are two different types of safety system:

  • Mechanical
  • Automatic

The first is engaged manually whenever the lift needs to be raised or lowered.

The second is always active, meaning that the lift is safe at all times without having to intervene manually.

Presence (or Absence) of Hatches

Whether or not hatches are incorporated in the lift is an aspect which has an effect on the ease and optimisation of the operations performed on the vehicles on the lift.

Whether they are front or rear, hatches allow work to be performed on the motorbike's tyres without the need to take the vehicle off the lift, decreasing the risk of accidents due to falls, reducing the time required by eliminating repetitive loading and unloading operations, and generally facilitating the mechanic's work.

Ramp Characteristics

As regards the ramp, on the other hand, the lower and closer to the ground it is, the easier it will be to load and unload the bike, avoiding differences in level which risk compromising vehicle balance and causing accidental falls.

Another aspect to take into consideration is whether the ramp is retractable, a factor which affects convenience and practicality during work.


When choosing a vehicle lift, it is important to take into consideration:

  • The minimum height with the lift fully lowered
  • The maximum height which can be reached 

The first relates to the stability and safety we previously mentioned when discussing the ramp: the closer the lift is to the ground, the easier it will be to load the vehicle and avoid accidents.

The second, on the other hand, has more to do with the convenience of the mechanic during the work: having a lift which can reach a height of a metre and a half, for example, allows tasks to be performed from a standing position, reducing the physical exertion required.


Finally, consider the solidity of the lift: a vehicle lift built with high-quality materials and cutting-edge technology will guarantee sufficient robustness. This aspect can have an effect on the weight of the structure, but on the other hand will provide greater safety and the ability to lift heavier vehicles, as well.

Which Characteristics Should Private Buyers Focus On?

If you are a motorcycle enthusiast who carries out maintenance work or tuning on your motorbike, having the right vehicle lift is an important choice to make.

All the previously listed characteristics are important but, not being a professional, you should pay particular attention to all the safety-related aspects.

Equally important is finding a model at a reasonable price which meets your needs and offers the necessary stability.

If it is made in Italy, this is an advantage.

Which Characteristics Should Professionals Focus On?

In this case too, all of the features we have talked about have their importance and relevance.

As a professional mechanic, it is important to take into consideration all the aspects involving improved efficiency, work and safety.

In the workshop, you should also think about recessed installation of vehicle lifts to provide even better performance. This will completely eliminate the difference in level between the vehicle lift and the floor, ensuring the greatest possible ease of manoeuvring and safety during loading and unloading operations.

Once you have analysed the features of the best vehicle lift and identified which ones are essential for you, the only thing that remains is to choose your supplier.

KIRO offers different models of vehicle lifts suited both to professional and home use.

Would you like to see them first hand and get a more detailed overview of their features from an expert?

Book a free visit in our virtual room now: